Sunday, 5 October 2008

It's Alive

Two days spent groomed, painted, and accessorized to hell and back. Two days serving middle aged women tea and coffee and smiling and blushing when they wish me a nice husband (no thanks). Two days spent tottering around in heels (2 inches are too heels). Escaping on the second night with my nice but boring cousins for dinner and a movie (at least there was sushi).

Three days with my family at a friend’s farm in Abdaly, a rural area in northern Kuwait near the Iraqi border. Mostly made do with a lot of movies and mainlining music. I got to ride a motorcycle, passenger but still. It was pretty and I got to ignore the approaching first day of the school year.

Yesterday was my first day of classes, which for the most part was a whole lot of hurry up and wait. Making sure you get to class on time and then waiting the required fifteen minutes for the professor to show up isn't exactly my idea of a good time.

The only exception was my freshman English class. Why am I taking freshman English? I'm glad you asked. I'm taking it this year because the last three times I've taken it I freaked the hell out halfway the semester and dropped it. Like it was hot even. This class is basically a middle school report writing class that you have to take every. fucking. day. An entire semester of some moron standing over my shoulder telling me how to cite my sources, going over every step of writing a fifteen hundred word paper. Discussing each and every detail for a paper shorter than most homework assignments I've written for my real classes.

Mind crushing boredom terrifies me like nothing else. I get cranky and either get into it with the instructor or just stop showing up. Oh, have I mentioned that you don’t write this ‘paper’ individually? No, it takes teamwork to get through this course.

God help me.


unique_stephen said...

Good luck with school.

No matter how pervasive North American culture is words like Freshman year still seam ridiculously foreign.

F. said...

When I got to the motorcycle part I had an image of me and J.D. Fortune on a Harley Davidson...Don't ask me why I'm saying this to a complete stranger but...

ANYWAY...Freshman English means you have to take it before your other courses so you can write up good assignments throughout your academic career...Don't hate me cuz I have a tone.

DeeDee said...

stephen Thanks. I say soccer too, it's all very embarassing.

f. Hmmm, I caught a few episodes of Rockstar INXS, it seemed sad, people who weren't really fans competeing more for the Rochstar part than the other.

Er, actually through the competence that is KU, I'm taking it after all my other classes, I just need this to finish up my required classes and graduate.