Monday, 15 September 2008

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

I love overcast skies. I love the smell before after and during rain. I love the way the air feels, cool and clean and wet against my face.

Chocolate. Cheap milk chocolate is like a one night stand. Quick and dirty against the bathroom wall, hot body and cool porcelain and then it's over. With dark chocolate is a committed loving relationship, albeit a long distance one. Sometimes when the separation becomes too much, I cheat, but ultimately I return.

Coffee. I have much love for coffee, but I don't drink it much. When I drink it everyday I start taking it for granted, and I haven't found decent readily available beans. I like it bitter traditional Arabic in the tiny cups. I like it mudlike Turkish. I like it in the somewhat crappy Starbucks raspberry iced mocha. I like it best black with a little sugar if its a really really decent brew. I also like it in ice cream, if it's strong and bittersweet.

New Who. I loved Eccleston's moody broody angst. I loved Tennent's manic-depressive manchild death god. (He has freckles)I liked the cheesiness. I liked Rose, I loved Donna.

Torchwood. All fucking all the time. As Campy as Cap'n Jack Harkness's toothpaste commercial smile, and as pretty as Gwen's freckles.

Supernatural. So much UST. Guns, Knives, and violence. The Impala. Jensen Ackles mouth. Jensen Ackle's freckles. Jensen Ackles in general, so pretty it makes me confused.

My Typewriter. An old manual Underwood model. Back when we were highschool my best friend got it for me, off of something I said about wanting to hear myself click away as I worked on my Great Non-American Novel. I never got it to work, and I wasn't ever much of a writer, but it's still one of the most perfect thing I own.

My Red Sin City Lunchbox. It's red, has movie Marv on it, and is just plain pretty. An indulgent purchase a couple of days ago, but I think I'm in love. It's tin and comes with a matching thermos. The only thing better would be original A New Hope.

Jane Austen. Because she rocks. And the Pride and Prejudice BBC mini series kicks the movie's ass any day of the week. I need to get my hands on a copy of Mansfield Park though.

Music. Old School Gulfi. Glam. Iggy Pop. Rockabilly. Singer-song writers. The Who. Thin Lizzy. Jeff Buckley. Regina Spektor. Big band. Classic Rock. Fairooz. The Doors. Kibarye. The list is endless and varied.

American Gods. I love love love Neil Gaiman's stuff. This book was the first of his I read I think. This is actually where I got my pen name.

Irony. Sometimes, it's all I need to keep me going.

Freckles. They are hot liek whoa.


unique_stephen said...

Rain - we are in drought so we don't see it much. My two year old has never jumped in puddles

Chocolate - I'm true to my dark dark 95+% addiction. Unless it's a threesome with strawberries or ice cream. I readily lower my standards for a threesome.

Coffee - My wife is Colombian. QED

New Who - I Don't watch TV, bittorrent scifi only

Torchwood - dito (but i have watched a few)

Supernatural - dito

My Typewriter = my mac

My Red Sin City Lunchbox = my Tupperware box - see here

Austen - yawn

Music - we overlap with Buckley - Older: I'm more into old style Australian Pub Rock: Cold Chisel, Midnight Oil, Spy VS Spy, Australian Crawl, Redgum

More lately: John Butler Trio

Holly Throsby

Angus and Julia Stone

& Some of the older indigenous Aboriginal bands

American Gods - Read, loved. Now go and read The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Irony - I am Australian - QED

Freckles - An Anglo Saxon under the sun of the "Great Southern Land" - QED

DeeDee said...

New Who is scifi! Sort of. :p

I'm ashamed to say that despite knowing what Tupperware is, I theorized that Tupperware Parties were a euphemism for get-togethers where a sales rep would sell the women *sex toys* , because if people wanted Tupperware, why not just go to the store? Imagine my surprise upon learning that there was actual Tupperware involved.

Austen- but... but... It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. How can you not love a book that starts with that sentence? Also, for me sometimes Austen reads like nonfiction.

Thanks for the music recs, I'll try them out soon!

unique_stephen said...

The clear irony being that a woman must want for a man of good fortune ... I don't mind Austen, perhaps we just got force fed too much at school.

DeeDee said...

Hmmm,the entire book is about the irony of that statement.

The schools I went to had a pretty laissez-faire attitude when it cam to literacy. I don't think they cared what we read as long as we did. Except for me, they alternately encouraged and despaired at my addiction. My seventh grade gave me books as a bargaining tool to get my schoolwork, looking back I think one of them was smut.

Delicately Realistic said...

Love Jane them all... i think ive seen Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey ( this was my favourite of the books but its been so long that i forgot why..must read it again) and the BBC series mo 6be3i...ive seen it a countless number of times and everytime its like the first time ;>