Thursday, 27 November 2008

Please Please Please

Oh, please won’t you stop breaking my heart.

It keeps getting broken, and I have to piece it together over and over. It’s chipped and cracked, the faults spelling out the secrets of the universe if only I knew enough to read them.

It curls inside my breast, aching, like a hand cupping something precious.
It’s so delicate, like a dandelion puff, falling apart at the slightest provocation. A smile, a picture, the sunset, the rain, a story, a film, a song. Begging to be broken just on more time.

I feel it right there below my ribs, and my breath hitches and it hurts, god so pretty.

Oh, please, don’t you stop breaking my heart.

What I’m Listening to Right Now: غايب حبيبي – عبدالمجيد عبدالله


unique_stephen said...

My habibi - you'll find it, you will.

kwtia said...

:) yup..

"there is crack in everything, That's how the light gets in"
L. Cohen

That's all i got..

unique_stephen said...

you'll need to email me your blogger email addy so I can add you to my readers:

De Campo said...

You sort of have me semi worried.

kwtia said...

now I think we are pretty damn full on worried. Say sumfin.